Friday, December 14, 2012

Earth Market Opening

Some of the Earth Market producers
Yesterday was the first day of the opening of the market. I arrived in a hurry early morning with all the traffic heading to Beirut listening to "Ya Zamen", Mike Massy. The parking was full of producers all ready for the day. I was really touched and tearful to see them all there smiling. They are like family to me. I have gone through many adventures with each one of them while doing my book Mouneh. The market needs work and we are going to focus on making it better every week. I bought a few items at the market: sage, basil (two types), watercress (rashad) to eat with my goat labneh, organic mix salad, honey (orange blossom), lentil mix for making soup and maklouta ... I wanted to share also my discovery of Oum Ali's Lebanese-style nutella , what a woman! What she did is mix carob molasses (very typical of our mouneh) with cocoa. Amazing! I made sandwiches for my children with this spread for school this morning. I bought a bouquet of wild flowers to decorate my house and heart... Very much in need of beautiful and simple pleasures! Also, found a tiny pumpkin for soup tomorrow. Did I mention the gingerbread men cookies? They always remind me of my childhood in the US. I felt so happy coming back home with all these goods, that's special. Next week, and the every week I will be at the market. Should you need advice or just want to chat - we are setting up a table for Slow Food memberships to start programing our events for 2013. Hope to see you there!

Thank God for Flowers
A special thought goes to Roy Harb, whom unfortunately could not join the market because of a health emergency. Thankfully, he is recovering in the hospital. We put out his mother's products despite all. The market would simply not be the same. Suddenly, a strong wind blew and we knew that you were with us. We are praying for you!

A Sign of Good Luck Roy

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